
Seller Advocacy

Regardless of the size of your practice, we will provide you with the strategy and resources to get your practice sold without paying commission. That means keeping more of the equity you built for your future and your family.

Practice Advocate was created by a dentist, former partner, and founder of a dental practice brokerage.
Our Company brings years of experience advocating for dentists in the sale of their practices, and developing the strategy to maximize the financial, transition, and qualitative fit between owner and purchaser.

That experience has build solid relationships and connected our company with the strongest advisors and lenders for dentistry in Ontario.


Marketplace Exposure

of your practice listing to 3,000+ dentists looking to acquire a practice, with confidentiality.


with interested parties to communicate your goals of ownership exit, vision of transition, ideal outcomes, and establishing intent of a purchaser.

Due Diligence

support that sees the intent of a buyer realized into a signed purcahse agreeent through the review of documentation, compliance requirements, and facilitation between lawyers, accountants, and lenders.

Please email info@practiceadvocate.ca to discuss your selling advocacy needs with  Dr. Sean Robertson.

Discuss your selling advocacy needs with  Dr. Sean Robertson.

Click on the button below to get started.

How can valuations be unbiased from Practice Advocate if you are advertising a client’s listing?

We are not paid by commision. We do not benefit from the sale or sale price of a practice. Our company operates on a fee-for-service platform.

Can I work with Practice Advocate if I have a practice valuation from another company?

Yes. But ensure the valuation is your property. Some valuators and practice brokerages will restrict distribution of the valuation you paid for.

Do you require exclusivity if I want to market my practice listing with Practice Advocate?

We do not require or impose restrictions on exclusivity. Our company is pleased to support you in co-operation with a dental practice brokerage or any other representatives you choose.

What if I have a buyer and just need help with certain aspects of my transition plan?

We can help you. Practice Advocate was created to support dentists with customizable appraoch to deliver the results you want without paying for more than you need.

Does the size or revenue of my practice affect the fees I pay?

No. Your production does not influence our fees. Our experience in the industry has shown us it takes the same number of hours to support the sale of a small practice as a large one. As such, our fees are flat rate and based on the known number of hours it takes for us to execute on the support you require. This often results in savings of five to six figures. The larger the practice, the greater the savings.

How can I get more information?

Send us an email and let’s book a call to discuss your vision and needs.